Tuesday 25 June 2013

Scoring of squash

International (Traditional)

    PARS Score Sheet
  • A point is scored only when the server wins a rally.
  • When the server loses a rally he or she loses the right to serve and the opponent becomes the server.
  • When a point has been scored durng play, the server must serve from the opposite service box.
  • The first player to nine points wins a game.
  • A match usually consists of the best of five games; that is, the first player to win three games wins the match.
  • If, in any game, the score reaches eight-all, then the player who reaches 8 first, decides whether that game is to be played to nine (Set 1) or ten points (Set 2).
  • The first player to reach the chosen number of points wins the game.


  • A point is scored for each rally won.
  • Usually matches are played to the best of 5 games with each game being played to 15 points.
  • In the event of the scores being 14 all, the first player to 14 can select whether the game will be played to 15 (Set 1) or 17 points (Set 3)
  • This method of scoring usually results in shorter playing time for a match.

Other options

  • Play a time limit game of between 25 to 45 minutes with two or three breaks of 1 minute duration.
  • PARS is very flexible - players can create their own game play format.

How to record the score?

The procedure for marking a game:
  •  The Marker calls the Score. 
  • The Score Sheet is divided into two sides, one side for each player.  
  • Each side has an "L" and "R" marked in a box, which stands for Left and Right Service Box. 
  • As the Server serves from the Right Box, the Scorer's pencil points to Box "R".  The pencil stays in the box until the point is won or lost.  The Server's score is always called first, eg 5:3 Smith serving or 3.5 Brown if Brown had won the point and was to serve.
  • The pencil would point to the appropriate service box. 
Note: There are two ways of scoring:
1. Traditional Method - The Server can only score points, and the first to 9 points wins.
2. PARS (Point a Rally) - The winner of the rally wins the point, first to 11 points wins.

Basic Squash Skills

The correct grip helps develop the swing
  • Hold the grip firmly at all times during the swing. Keep a firm wrist during the swing.
  • Approach the ball from one side (usually from the side closest to the centre of the court). Right handed Squash players should try to play "forehands" on the right hand side of the court and play  "backhands" on the left hand side of the court. (Reversed for left handers).
  • Read more about Basic Squash Skills in Strokes & Movement

Basic Squash Tactics

Approach the ball side on
  • Hit the ball away from your opponent, making them run.
  • Hit backhand shots on the backhand side of the court and forehands on the forehand side.
  • Hit the ball to the corners and close to the side walls.
  • Volley during play whenever possible. Return to the centre of the court quickly each time you make a return whilst watching the ball.
  • More information on Tactics
  • Read about playing lefthanded players Squash Players.

Basic Squash Rules

  • Once the ball has been struck, it is the responsibility of the striker to clear the way for the opponent to make a return.
  •  If there is interference in the opponent reaching the ball, the players should play the point again (this is called playing a LET).
  • If your opponent is in the way of you making a return or is in danger of being hit in the process, a “LET” should be played.
  • Both the striker and the opponent should make every effort to clear the ball or to get to it if a “LET” is to be played.
  • If the player hits the ball back to themselves and hits them or goes very close to them, a “STROKE” is awarded to the opponent, winning the rally for them.
  • More information on the Rules 

Squash Balls

  • There are a range of balls available for all standards.
  • The court temperature also plays a big part in Squash ball selection (In colder temperatures, you may need to use a bouncier ball).
  • The following Squash balls should be available in your area:
    • Super Slow
    • Yellow Dot -  Slow
    • White or Green Dot - Medium
    • Red Dot -  Fast
    • Blue Dot - Fast
  • There is also an Extra Super Slow Double Yellow Dot ball used by professionals or by accomplished players in hotter countries.
  • A blue beginners ball may also be available.

Modified Equipment

ModifiedRacket & Balls
  • Because squash is a very fast game and requires quick co-ordinated reflexes the use of modified equipment (a shorter racket and larger ball) can help novices gain confidence, and have more enjoyment.
  • Racket Ball and Mini Squash are games played on a squash court that might suit some players who are having difficulty managing the full size equipment.
  • More on Modified Games

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