Tuesday 25 June 2013

A Begginer Guide- How to play squash?

A beginner's guide on playing squash, the tactics, the technique , the rules and how to play squash safely
  • Squash is played between two individuals (singles) or two teams of two (doubles) on a Squash Court.
  • One player serves to start a rally which proceeds until one player hits the ball out or down or fails to hit the ball before it has bounced twice.
  • Squash can be played using  a couple of scoring options, traditional (International) scoring and point a rally scoring (PARS).
  • Squash Players having a social game can modify the rules to their own requirements.

Squash Safety and Fitness.
  • If your fitness is poor or you haven’t played Squash for some time, don’t overdo it.
  • Remember, Squash is a fast game.  If you have a rally which requires a lot of short sharp movement, it may take your body a moment or two before it realises that a lot of oxygen is needed for recovery.
  • This can result in a sudden increase in heart rate.
  • This is not a good thing for those who lack fitness.

About the squash serve.

  • The server, with at least one foot in the service box, starts play by hitting the ball directly onto the front wall between the cut line and the outline to rebound so that, if allowed, it bounces for the first time in the opposite half of the court and behind the short line.
  • See Squash Court Markings.
  • It may hit another wall after hitting the front wall, providing the ball lands within the correct half court.
  • The receiver may hit the ball on the full. If the server wins the rally they serve from the alternate service box.
  • If the receiver wins the rally they choose which box to start serving from. 
  • More on the Squash Serve
Return of serve.

While waiting to return the serve, watch the server to get an idea of:
  • The type of Serve to expect.
  • The angle of the serve.
  • The speed of the serve
-all ofwhich will assist the racket preparation to return the ball.
-Keep out of the back corner.
-Keep away from the walls.

Rally between two players.

  • The 2(or 4 for doubles) Squash players, each with a racket, take it in turns (for doubles, each team takes turns)  to hit the ball onto the front wall within the large area defined by the outline at the top and the line marking the top of the tin at the bottom (the striker may play the ball onto the side or back walls first before it hits the front wall).
  • The ball must stay within the court. The ball must be hit on the first bounce or volleyed.
  • Play continues until the ball goes out or down or is hit after the first bounce.
Squash Court Markings

Video resources for:
 - Forehand return of serve
   - Banckhand return of serve

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